sources: Docker’s Website, Tutorial from Node.js

Basic steps:

  1. create a Dockerfile in the base directory of the project
  2. create a .dockerignore file in that same directory
  3. build the image and run it

Creating a Dockerfile

# this grabs the official node docker image from
# the image has the basic setup for the environment you want (specifically npm)
FROM node:8

# Create a working directory for the application
WORKDIR /usr/src/app

# Install app dependencies (you have to move all your requirements files into the working directory first) 
COPY package*.json ./
RUN npm install

# Bundle app source (I'm still not quite sure what that means)
COPY . .

# run your application!
CMD [ "npm", "start" ]

Creating a .dockerignore file

This is pretty straightforward. Just create a .dockerignore file with everything you don’t want to include in your published image. In this case, the following file names:

  • node-modules
  • npm-debug.log

Build and run the image

To build the scooter-app image under the username nnwogwugwu:

  • docker build -t nnwogwugwu/scooter-app .

To run the dockerized scooter app:

  • docker run -p 49160:3000 -d nnwogwugwu/scooter-app

Note: the -d flag runs the docker image in the background. the -p flag lets you specify the port. Use it to map a public port to the private port in your container. The Node.js article uses 49160:8080, since the node application uses port 8080. Create-react-app defaults to port 3000, so make sure to keep that in mind.

To view the dockerized application, go to http://localhost:49160/

Example of Projects that I’ve dockerized

Scooter table repo