Recurse Center Projects
I wanted to learn more about databases, so I made one.
Going off of Connor Stack’s tutorial, Let’s Build a Simple Database, I decided to make my own. I followed along with Stack’s tutorial using C, then I recreated the functionality in Python.
If you want to see my code or try it for yourself, go here.
Quick Hits
I compiled some of the smaller one-off projects that I’ve made onto one page
- Markdown Viewer: let’s you see the results of your markdown text in real time
- SQLite Header Viewer: displays the header of a SQLite file, as defined in the ChiDB course
- Coffee Clicker: helps you decide what kind of coffee to get
- Scooter Table: displays a real-time list of Coup scooters in Berlin
check them out here
I paired with another RC-er to build RC-Robot, the robot that tries to follow you around.